Philippine Standard Time:

One Health Week


Region/Division: NCR / SDO Pasay / P. Villanueva Elementary School

Period Covered: September 6-11, 2021

Office Address: P. Villanueva Street, Pasay City

Office Telephone Number: 8831 – 81 – 87

Mobile Number: NA

Email Address:

Fax Number: NA

  1. ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN – Participated in the activities listed:

Date/ Flagship Program

National Activity

School Activity

Sept. 6, 2021

Medical, Dental and Nursing Services and School Dental Health Care Program


10:00 AM 12:00 Noon 

Kick off of the One Health Week and Simultaneous Inauguration and Opening Of school Medical and Dental clinics and Launch of School Dental Health Care Program


· Teleconsultation to teaching and non-teaching Personnel on a first-come-first-served basis as part of the kick-off of the one Health week;

· Video Presentation of Medical, Dental and Nursing Services

“To be or not to be Vaccinated” (Video recording) Dr. Maria Recelle Enriquez-Reyes, MD, Medical Officer III)


Sept. 7, 2021

WASH in Schools

3:00-4:35 pm

For the WinS: Schools reaching for the Stars (l Launch of the First WinS Seal of Excellence Award

9:00 -10:30 am

· Role of WinS Program in the Time of COVID 19 Pandemic (Video recording) Mr. Jon Michael Villaseňor UNICEF WASH

10:45 am-12:00 nn

Simultaneous handwashing and toothbrushing in schools

Sept. 8, 2021

School Based Feeding Program (SBFP)

1:30-3:00 pm 

National Launch of the SBFP 2021-2022

9:00 -9:30 am

Milk toasting (SBFP Division TWG)

9:45 AM-12:00 Noon

Malunggay Planting in schools


Sept. 9, 2021

Adolescent Reproductive Health Day

1:00-3:00 pm 

National Launch of the CSE-ARH Convergence

9:00AM -10:00 am

Adolescent Health Series: Menstrual Health (Video recording)


Sept. 10, 2021

School Mental Health Day


1:00-2:30 pm 

Webinar on School Mental Health Initiatives and Ceremonial Observance of the World Suicide Prevention Day

9:30-11:00 am

“Calming Down and Managing One’s Emotions and Thoughts (Video recording) Dr. Maria Recelle Enriquez-Reyes, MD, Medical Officer III)

Sept. 11, 2021

National Drug Education Program (NDEP) Day


9:00-11:00 am

Webinar on Strengthening the implementation of NDEP in Schools

         1:00-2:30 pm

Don’t Get Addicted to Drugs, Think of Oral Health” (Video recording) Dr. Irma C. Arellano, DMD, Dentist-in-Charge


Date/ Flagship Program


School Activity

Sept. 4, 2021  1:00 – 3:00PM


Mr. Rhoderick Buado – Miriam College

Glamourizing Youth in Urban Gardening Webinar

Sept. 8, 2021

Medical Services

From Pasay City LGU

Distribution of Multivitamins to learners; Teaching and Non Teaching Personnel of the School

Sept. 11, 2021  10:00AM

Mental Health

Ms. Evangeline Reola- Ramirez, Psychologist

Dr. Richard Mata

Mental Health Awareness Webinar

Sept. 11, 2021  10:00AM


Elizabeth L. Cortez, Guidance Counselor

Child Protection Policy Webinar

Sept. 22, 2021  4:00PM

Dental Services

Dr. Angeline Grace Lumawag

Oral Hygiene Webinar

Sept. 23, 2021  1:00 – 4:00PM


SDO Pasay, PAF

Division Launching – ARH Webinar Series Day 1: Comprehensive Sexuality Education, HIV, Substance Abuse

Sept. 24, 2021  1:00 – 4:00PM

ARH, Mental Health

SDO Pasay, Mr. Randy Wilson Delfino – Guidance Counselor II ; Ms. Mariz B. Pales – Guidance Counselor III

Division Launching – ARH Webinar Series Day 2: Mental Health, Gender Based Violence

Sept. 25, 2021  2:00PM


Pastor James Edora Echon

Parenting Webinar – Parents & Child Relationship


What happened?

Who were involved


Outcome: What is/are its important contribution to the OK sa DepEd Program of the school?


Kick off of the One Health Week

Video Presentation of Medical, Dental and Nursing Services

“To be or not to be Vaccinated” (Video recording) Dr. Maria Recelle Enriquez-Reyes, MD, Medical Officer III)

OKD Focal Persons,

Dr. . Maria Recelle Enriquez-Reyes – Speaker,

Principal, Teachers, Learners, Parents

Sept. 6, 2021

· This marks as the first day of the One Health Week celebration where we showcase our flagship programs under OK sa DepEd.

· Right in time for the opening of the new school year, the theme for this year’s One Health Week is Bayanihan para sa Kalusugan: OK sa DepEd, sa Paaralan at sa Tahanan, as we recognize the importance of access to health and nutrition programs and services for our learners, whichever learning modality they are into.

· The importance of being vaccinated as soon as possible, regardless of which vaccine it would be, was emphasized. It promoted right information to school personnel, learners and parents.


9:00 -10:30 am

Role of WinS Program in the Time of COVID 19 Pandemic (Video recording) Mr. Jon Michael Villaseňor UNICEF WASH

10:45 am-12:00 nn

Simultaneous handwashing and toothbrushing in schools

WINS Coordinator, Teachers, Learners

Sept. 7, 2021

· The program aims to promote correct hygiene and sanitation practices among school children and a clean environment in and around schools to keep learners safe and healthy.

· Had given importance on ensuring the health, safety, and proper hygiene of school personnel, parents, and the learners in schools and even at home, as in the case of our current learning modality due to the threats of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

· Through the effective implementation of the WASH in Schools Program, and contextualizing its relevant provisions in home-based settings, the possibility of spreading infections, such as COVID-19, will significantly decrease.

· The pandemic has made us realize the need to emphasize WASH in Schools as one of the foundations of a safe and healthy learning environment.


9:00 -9:30 am

Milk toasting (SBFP Division TWG)

9:45 AM-12:00 nn

Malunggay Planting in schools

SBFP TWG, ALS Students

Sept. 8, 2021

· SBFP is an excellent intervention for school-aged learners as it offers an opportunity not only to enhance their nutrition status but also to improve their school participation and achieve educational outcomes.

· The benefits of Milk and Nutripack feeding to school-age learners includes alleviating hunger, reducing micronutrient deficiency and anemia, improving school enrolment and attendance, and increasing cognitive and academic performance.

· Malunggay plant had variety of vitamins and nutrients which can also reduce micronutrient deficiencies in learners hence planting more trees means more supplies can be given to the beneficiaries.


9:00AM -10:00 am

Adolescent Health Series: Menstrual Health (Video recording)

1:00-3:00 pm 

National Launch of the CSE-ARH Convergence

ARH Focal, Teachers, Learners, Parents

Sept. 9, 2021

· The program aims to give accurate information and services for the adolescent learners when it comes to their reproductive health.

· The program also supports DepEd Order 31, s. 2018 or the Comprehensive Sexuality Education wherein important concepts are included in their learning modalities for the learners to better identify and understand changes in their body and how they can be prepared for it.


9:30-11:00 am

“Calming Down and Managing One’s Emotions and Thoughts (Video recording) Dr. Maria Recelle Enriquez-Reyes, MD, Medical Officer III)

1:00-2:30 pm 

Webinar on School Mental Health Initiatives and Ceremonial Observance of the World Suicide Prevention Day

MH Focal – Guidance Counselor, Teachers, Learners, Parents

Sept. 10, 2021

· Mental well-being is a key component for an employee’s welfare framework. The School Mental Health Program as a flagship program of OK sa DepEd, ensures mental health promotion and effective linkage to mental health services for our learners, teachers and parents.

· Promoted awareness on mental health conditions that can be prevented from progressing because immediate support is made readily available and accessible.

· This is also about teachers and learners and other school personnel becoming positive support to each other in a positive school climate.



1:00-2:30 pm

Don’t Get Addicted to Drugs, Think of Oral Health” (Video recording) Dr. Irma C. Arellano, DMD, Dentist-in-Charge

Dentist in Charge, Teachers, Learners, Parents

Sept. 11, 2021


· Webinars have been a great instrument to promote oral health education among young public-school learners by instilling healthy dental habits.

· Recognizes that schools play an important role, both inside and beyond the classroom, in preventing alcohol, tobacco use, and other drug harms. While providing drug education as part of the curriculum is important, there’s more that schools can do.


C. SUGGESTIONS TO STRENGTHEN OK SA DEPED PROGRAM (Include support needed from Central, Region, and Division Office that can increase the impact of OK sa DepEd Program in the schools)

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has recognized that health

is a crucial foundation that any society must be built on for it to survive.

The implementation of the program succeeds not just because of the efforts of a few, but because of unified efforts of school head, OKD focal persons, various school personnel, various organizations and sectors outside the school as well as partners and stakeholders.

And health is not subordinate to the academic needs of our learners, but addressing their health concerns is vital to their holistic development.

To increase the impact of OKD programs and activities, resources materials should be available and can be shared to teachers for their class localization.

Further utilization of telehealth and strengthened its linkages with the health providers in the community to ensure health concerns are addressed while they are in their homes.

Additional intensification of the delivery of services especially as we prepare for the possible resumption of physical classes.

Multi-sectoral collaboration. Such partnerships helped the school to strengthen the delivery of health and nutrition programs for learners and personnel.